
Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Will my summer gi be a Vulkan?

Clinzy has got me leaning toward the Vulkan pro light, men's. I love the idea of a gi cut for women and I like the fit of my Fenom, but I'd like another, lighter white gi and, in general, annoys me. I'm just a few clicks away from buying sho is purdy...


  1. The new blue fenom is light, and not pink. =) But... it is blue... and not quite as light as the Vulkan pro light.

    Several people at my gym have one, and they all have basically said the same thing.. That it is amazing and light.

    The only negative I've heard, and I have only heard it twice is that it is kind of stretchy. As in, when someone has a grip on it, it will stretch out a bit before you can break the grip.

    That being said, I would own one except I don't like white gis... at least on myself. I generally very much dislike wearing white.

  2. I have not bout the blue one, but I borrow the blue Fenom gi from a friend at my gym and, like Steph said, it was very light. I am probably going to buy one. :)

  3. I have had a pro light, and still own an ultra light, AND also have a hemp gi, and some Kauai Kimonos.

    If you're not concerned with IBJJF competition legality (top only) then my vote is the Kauai. Their ripstop gi is way lighter (and cooler!) than the Vulkans or the hemp gi. So light and "swishy" that you'll worry about ripping it (won't happen, I've tried) and your butt will scoot so fast on the mats, you'll end up wearing your Kauai pants with all your other gi tops for the improvement in hip movement. tell them I told you about it :)

  4. Stephanie...hmm...don't know about that stretchy deal. I enough issues breaking grips as is. black Fenom is really nice. I feel like I'm training in pajamas. I wouldn't call it "light", but it's definitely comfortable.

    Georgette...I think you've got me sold on trying the Kauai...they look gorgeous and another lady came in with a ripstop the other day and it looked crazy comfy. My Padilla & Sons is just too heavy for summer training down here in Florida.

  5. i have the yellow vulkan pro light and i love it, it's my "baby". I have the mens a0 size, i'm 5'4 147lbs, and yes i have an ass. The gi is crazy light, so light that my first few rolls i kept worrying that with every guard pass my pants would rip at a moments notice..but they didn't. The gi is sturdy yet ridiculously light, quick drying, and cute. From my understanding they have everything from yellow (i look like a bumblebee) to purple to black, white, etc. One other thing that I didn't quite care for is that due to my little waist theres some excess fabric in teh back but it's nothing a few cycles in the dryer and extra cord tightening hasn't fized. Good luck with whatever you choose.

  6. Thanks Shakia...I think I'm going to end up trying both the Vulkan and the Kauai and retire my starter gi.

  7. Shakia, that's GREAT news for me...I tried the pro light womens' cut in A0 (I'm 5'2" and was 140 at the time) and found that my rear just didn't have room (nor did my thighs.) I want an ultralight in navy, which is the mens' cut, and I'm so happy to hear that the mens' A0 has room in the behind. :) THANK YOU!

  8. WATCH OUT!!!! Men's sizing is SOOOO DIFFERENT!!!
