
Sunday, November 13, 2011

Bad Escapes from Technical Mount

Since I just got to a point where I feel comfortable for my blue belt test (thanks to the help of my partner, Ladybug, and KickboxerInstructor), I can finally start working on applied techniques of my choosing again. Check out this video from the Part Time Grappler

This is one of the first "magical" escapes I learned from reading Jiu Jitsu University. I remember first seeing it and thinking "haHA! I'll never be caught in technical mount again!" To this day, I think I've pulled it off MAYBE twice, and then only on smaller opponents. Anybody with any decent leg strength or weight, and I find myself thinking "Crap. That didn't work...dah well...good chance to practice my hitchhiker escape." Basically, the failing of this escape leads me to mentally give up any hope of recovery before I'm in mortal arm bar danger. I think...not sure, but it's my best that I'm not pushing on the knee itself and am instead putting pressure too close to the hip and trying to apply that pressure from my core as opposed to my free arm. We'll see...


  1. Wow many thanks for the reference Megan! Here's a better post (simply because two highly regarded black belts are involved :o) )

  2. I have trouble from that position too. One of the things that has been working for me is to swim the leg that they have up with both arms and either come out underneath, of pull the ankle in towards me while hipping into the knee. Don't know how sound my advice is, but it works sometimes for me.

  3. Hah I've spent the last month giving up anytime someone gets the mount position. I'd just sort of lie there and wait to be armbarred. Then last week we learned escapes from mount and now I'm able to at least keep moving and making it difficult for them to get the submission. The move in the video looks much tougher though...I don't do well with the sitting up and rolling other people over sort of stuff yet.

  4. that video. It actually made what A.D. said make perfect sense. I'm good about not keeping that arm loose, but it normally gets pried free. DEFINITELY trying to take out that ankle next time.

    Reese...definitely been there. I spent six weeks starting under the mount just to get mentally used to being mounted. I can sit up, but normally only with pure strength and zero technique.

  5. Thank you again for all the kind words. I spent 6 months (any one see the upwards trend :) ) starting every round from mount bottom. I figured nothing I ever learn is going to be worth squat if I can't get out of mount to do it in the first place :)
