
Saturday, August 24, 2013

Men like chocolate?

I swear, every day I do work for GiFreak turns out to be awesome. Yesterday I trekked down to Miami with Brownbelt Instructor to interview the imposing Roberto "Cyborg" Abreu, just a day before he was to be promoted to a 3rd degree black belt. Over the course of about 45 minutes, we talked about his life, training, students and gym. I left buzzing. His love of not only BJJ, but what it can do in people's lives is potent and contagious. We left, got lunch at a restaurant famed for having one of the best burgers in the US (per GQ magazine) and headed back home.

"I could really go for some chocolate."...of course I was game (the dark chocolate version of the ones on the bottom left are coffee and chocolate and elvish magic stirred into one). Maybe it's just one of those stereotypes, but I never think of guys as actually craving the bean. 


  1. I often crave chocolate. Nothing compared to my deep cheese-love, of course, but I'll go through a packet of choccy digestives from the fridge in a couple of minutes if people let me. :)

  2. Ha...we need to go on a cheese tour...though I think your part of the world would be better suited than mine.

  3. I've yet to meet a cheese I wouldn't eat. ;)
