
Thursday, March 11, 2010

Sore Throat Sorrows

I woke up yesterday with a sore throat...knocked back a couple Cold-eeze and figured everything was fine. When I left the office today, I figured I was tired because the day was long and I got almost no sleep from all the wind. Well, for some reason, I just couldn't envision myself even making it through the warmup. The last time I felt like this and went to class I was in a cold sweat by the end. After much agonizing, I decided staying home was probably the best bet and that I'd just do a few rounds of FlowFit and some drills. I made it five minutes into FlowFit and just didn't want to get back up after the second transition into plow position. I tried some shrimping...fizzled after six reps...good thing my Roy Dean DVD came today :)

Happily, I don't feel desperate like I used to when missing class. I don't feel as much at risk of one missed class ending my BJJ journey.