
Wednesday, March 27, 2013

New project!! (Need your input)

So GiFreak has been like...a  HUGE learning experience. It seems like the brand has been growing and changing non-stop since it first launched.

Well, it's up and moving again in the form of a new blog. The entire idea is to talk about all the stuff that we do off the mats...our stories, our art, our history, culture, bodies, business...the whole shebang. BUT...we'll all write it. I'm envisioning a central place where all these great stories and information about BJJ can be gathered. I've already gotten some great contributions, but would love to hear from everybody...submission, critique, questions, anything. Check it out!!


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. You might consider deleting the above comment as spam :)

  3. It looks great! I can tell it is a result of hard work.

  4. ...the Internet is such a special place.

    Thanks JJF!

  5. This sounds SOOO awesome!!!! (: I can't wait to read all the stories!

  6. Thanks Meghan! If you ever have anything you think people would like to read, please send it over!
