Wednesday, August 31, 2011

My Interview over at JiuJitsuSweep

Thanks to Manny over at JiuJitsuSweep for the interview! It's cool to hear so much of my training experience summarized in one conversation.


Manny said...

It was a pleasure Megan, maybe we ca make another one over Skype of a different subject someday. It can also be made as a BJJ radio show ala The Fightworks Podcast . ( Great programming by the way )

slideyfoot said...

Cool! I look forward to giving that a listen when I get home from this holiday. :D

Megan said...

@Manny...I'm game whenever you are.

Listen for a shout-out Slidey:)

Deborah Clem said...

Okay this is sooo weird, because your voice sounds exactly the way I imagined.

Megan said...

lol...yeah...I'm not one of thsoe people with a "surprise" voice. that a pic of the mysterious Dagney?? Is the veil being lifted?

Deborah Clem said...

lol! I used the pencil sketch setting on Photo Booth to take a self portrait.


Jamal said...

Just listened! I honestly forgot that you had grass allergies....

But I am very proud of how much you've grown, Sister-Dear. I am again afraid for my safety should I fall victim to your wrath...

Little Brother

Megan said...

All the more reason for you to get started training...I know you've got people out there that train SOME kind of jujutsu.